It Has Begun

In Kerbal Space Program (KSP) there is a wonderful modification (mod) called Better Than Starting Manned (BTSM). The author of this mod is named FlowerChild or FC for short. FC has created a challenging aspect to KSP. Not only do you do space missions, but with BTSM you have to think about what your next goal is and plan accordingly. When you add in KSP carreer mode, you need to do missions for Funds (the name of kerbal money in game) otherwise your space program will go broke, BTSM adds a level to the game that is just down right fun. For example do you research decouplers or another tank and rocket. Both can get you into an orbit but one will be cheaper for you or will allow you to do a few more missions for the Funds and science.

Now that I have learn most of how it all works. Orbital Object Propulsion Systems will be tracking how it gets things done.

(please note I will try to update at least once a week on Sunday, however some weeks I will not be able to post a mission or four because of my schedule)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Mission 008: C Series Rocket Sparrow Model 3

While still working on proper reentry procedures, OOPS scientists decided they need more data from high atmosphere. However current capsule most likely could not keep the Kerbals inside alive, so it was decided that the engineers needed to create a pressurize capsule. the end result was the Sparrow 3

Sparrow 3 added a middle tank and engine as well as 2 more control surfaces and upgraded the 2 small batteries to the new larger versions. Of course OOPS scientist included to GOO Capsules on the side for other experiments. Much to the dismay of Jeb, Bill Kerman was selected for this mission. The goal of the mission was to collected data on goo at different altitude but also go higher into the atmosphere and report back to what is happening up there from a Kerbal perspective.

Bills flight went well. He collect the goo data as he passed through the lower atmosphere. Sparrow 3 made it to 36 km with fuel to spare as Bill took observation about what happens to a Kerbal this high in the air or lack of air. Bill also collect goo data at that height but unfortunately he disposed of his previous goo data so the first experiment was a failure (* this was cause by a human interface malfunction *).

During the decent Bill was concerned because he noted that Sparrow 3 was a bit top heavy and that it was harder to control with the control surfaces the higher the craft went. As a result of this Sparrow 3 began to rotate to the right as it reached to max altitude of 36 km and then continue to rotate until it was pointing straight down at 29 km/ Bill tried to rock the craft back and forth to get it to point upward again. In the end it was a futile task as the craft was to top heavy/ Bill then deployed the parachute around 6 km to see if that could flip the craft over but it did not help.All Bill could do was wait until the chutes fully deployed around 500 m and see if that fixed the issue. Sure enough in a massive jolt the chutes deployed and whipped the craft upright. Bill was afraid the chutes would fail under the stress but this time OOPS engineers got it right.

Bill then proceeded to land in the ocean slowing the decent even more with the use of his remaining fuel. This was the first time a water landing was attempted and Bill wanted it to go as well as it could.

Here are some of the highlights of the mission recreated from the missions flight recorder.

OOPS congratulates Bill on his mission even though he did screw up the one experiment. 

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